Reason being, many friends wanted views about Malaysia so I just sent em links to other sites. I figured it was time to make some cool informational sites that would benefit my friends as well as others as well. I began to write to owners of websites and organizations, and fortunately Tourism Malaysia and other organizations chipped in, Photographers and individuals helped out too and it proved to be a great idea.
I've decided to launch a monthly contest. People who are in the know about Malaysia, especially those who have lived in Malaysia, or now reside in Malaysia can participate.
The monthly prize was $25 but I decided it was nearly impossible to send such a small amount to a winner via bank cheque/check so I have increased it to $50. If the project works out and I get more entries than planned, I will increase it to a bi-monthly or even weekly - my ultimate desire.So if you wanna participate, go to and join the fun. Please read the instructions first before participating.
Best wishes.
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